Sunday, November 30, 2008

Giggle Time

This post is completely not stitch related but not to's GIGGLE TIME!!!! I love these "LOL CAT" pictures and I wanted to share them with you! These are a few of my recent favs. Take a break and have a chuckle from your buddy Bex!!! (I might have gone a bit over board with the amount but it's so hard to choose!!!) LOL!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

BEX IS BACK!!!!!!!

I'm baaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!! And so happy to be back in this happy blogging world. Not sure what happened to life took a brief turn into insanity. However, all is well and I am positively giddy to be blogging again! I missed you!!! Thanks to everyone who wrote me such kind notes!

So....what have I been up to lately. I'm still stitching and I will post some pictures of my progress shortly but I seem to have ended up in a knitting frenzy! I'm loving it! I finished my bamboo scarf and it's super comfy and with the chilly weather here in Canada it's coming in very handy!

Next I did a pair of pedicure socks for my Mom! What are pedicure socks you ask? Well! They're basically socks with no toes in them. The idea is that you can pop on you're pedicure socks and flip flops so that you're feet stay nice and warm and not have to stuff your feet back into regular socks and boots and ruin your lovely pedicure. They're a great idea and my Mom loves them! I plan to make more of them for Christmas gifts but my Mom got the prototype! Here's a picture and no those are not my feet! LOL!

Next I made a sweater! It's a real sweater and it actually ended up looking like a sweater! I'm totally amazed! And quite impressed with my handy work! Here's the pattern picture:

My sweater is a red tweed not blue but you get the idea! Also, I made it quite a bit longer. I'm 5'11" and the length they had it set for would look ridiculous on me! I also had to increase the sleeve length for my gorilla arms! LOL! Anyway, I made a large and in hindsight I didn't need the large! It's really big! But it's the most comfortable sweater in the ENTIRE world!!! I'm so proud of it! I wear it all the time and I'm terrified to wash it just in case the whole thing unravels! LOL! I'll post a picture of my actual sweater shortly too!

After all the success I had on the first sweater and my new found knowledge in sweater making (LOL!) I decided to make another one. I'm almost done this one too! I've finished the back and the front so all that's left is sleeves and the collar. It's going to be sooooo cute! I think it will be my Christmas sweater this year! And as my Mom says: "It's definitely NOT a sweater for cooking in!" LOL! Gotta love Moms!!! Here's a picture of it:

So that's been my knitting frenzy as of lately. I love learning new things! I've been pouring over the sweaters that I previously bought and trying to figure out the patterns! LOL! I think my husband is sick of me shouting from the closet: "I could have made this myself!"

It's so good to be back with all of you!!!!!